Trenching Safety 101 – A Beginner’s Guide
April 26, 2023 10:31 pm Leave your thoughts
Trenching Safety 101 – A Beginner’s Guide
Cave-ins and trench collapses are the leading causes of death in excavation work. To protect against cave-ins, trenches must be protected with a site prep system designed by a professional in the field. Trenching is one of the most dangerous construction jobs. Every year, excavation workers die and suffer serious injuries.
Know the Rules
Whether you’re new to trenching or an experienced pro, there are a few basic rules to follow when working in trenches. Knowing these guidelines will help you keep everyone safe and productive at all times. Educate your workers about the hazards associated with digging and how to avoid them. This will help them focus on the job at hand and minimize the chance of injuries or accidents. The US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that all trenches deeper than five feet have protective systems installed unless the soil is stable rock. Protective systems include sloping, shoring, and shielding.
Plan for Emergencies
There are a number of emergencies that can occur when digging a trench. Whether it’s a collapse, a cave-in, or water flooding the trench, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your coworkers from these dangers.
Collapse – When dirt falls into a trench, it can cause it to collapse suddenly and without warning. This can crush and suffocate workers underground.
Caving – A steep wall in the trench may collapse and leave people trapped. To avoid this, the walls should be sloped or stepped.
A trench’s walls can also be damaged by a slew of other hazards, including a broken pipe, heavy downpour, or leaking water pipes. The best way to prevent these hazards is to inspect the trench daily and resolve any problems as soon as they arise. This will keep the work site safe and minimize the chances of a tragedy happening in the future.
Understand Your Limits
As we’ve discussed, trenching is a hazardous activity, but it can be safely performed when precautions are taken. Aside from the obvious safety and personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements, workers need to be aware of the hazards in their path of travel.The best way to mitigate these hazards is to design a robust protection system. A qualified professional can help you select the best method for your particular situation. This includes choosing the right type of support, which can include timber shoring and shielding. It is also worth noting that trenching and excavations of any depth require the right tools and equipment to get the job done. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has a good guide to helping you choose the right equipment for your operation.
Categorised in: Trenching
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